How to dispose of a washing machine and dryer properly without harming the environment

The washing machine is a large household appliance, that consists of various materials with a long period of natural decomposition. The released elements poison the air, soil, and water. How to dispose of a washing machine, we will tell you different options.

Huge dumps of old household appliances pollute huge areas in Africa, where developed countries in America and Europe take them. Contacting local e-waste recycling centers is crucial for the proper disposal of old washing machines and dryers, ensuring these appliances do not become environmental hazards.

How to dispose of a washing machine

A broken washing machine is among the appliances that are considered unsafe. It is necessary to send large appliances for recycling to recycling centers, where specialized processes break down electronic parts into metal and plastic components. Specialized organizations are engaged in the recycling of washing machines. The appliances are disassembled, and the housing, metal, and plastic parts are separated.

Harm to the environmentally conscious

Poisonous substances harm human and animal health, plants, and the entire ecosystem. Places of natural habitat for living beings are polluted, and soil microflora is disturbed.

Washing machines in a landfillespecially dangerous are fires at unauthorized landfills. At the moment of ignition, huge amounts of poisonous substances are released into the atmosphere. In court, it is very difficult to find the person responsible for poisoning the environment, the owner of the dump has no owner, it is impossible to find and fine every owner of large appliances. Gathering evidence is a complex and time-consuming endeavor.

How to dispose of a washing machine

  • Metal oxides poison the earth. Burning can release heavy metals into the atmosphere. Metal is pressed with the help of plants, creating compact briquettes, and sent to steel mills. Steel in nature can decompose up to 30 years, alloy steel – 150 years. All electronic boards contain heavy metals and poisonous substances. Recycling valuable metals from washing machines not only mitigates environmental harm but also offers an opportunity to earn money while contributing to environmental sustainability.
  • Plastics are resistant to decomposition (decay period: 600 years!!!), parts made of such materials are recycled.
  • Cables and insulation contain polyvinylchloride, which decomposes very slowly, while toxic compounds get into ground water. When burned, they emit poisonous substances into the atmosphere – chlorine and ethylene.
  • Rubber parts, when burned, emit hydrogen sulfide and sulfur oxide, which negatively affect the respiratory organs.

How washers and dryers should be recycled properly

Companies that recycle household appliances offer several way to recycle old washer and dryer:

How to dispose of a washing machine

  1. free disposal and removal of the washing machine—the consumer is not billed for transportation services, but is not paid for the parts and materials received;
  2. disassembly – the company’s employees carry out a complete disassembly and separation of materials and elements: electronics, glass, plastic parts, metal (dismantling is possible by agreement);
  3. transportation to a specialized production facility, where it is required to pay for transportation services.

In utilization, special installations and devices are used, such technological processes are impossible at home.

How to dispose of a washing machine and dryer in world

Countries around the world are searching for a universal recycling process for old washer. In Japan, the problem of recycling was brought to the national level when the country ran out of landfill space. Currently, there are hundreds of factories for the recycling of household appliances. In most enterprises, the recycling process is automated. Household appliances are first shredded, and then they are separated into fractions: metal with the help of magnets, separately plastic parts.

How to dispose of a washing machine

Most countries carry out sorting at the very beginning and send the materials to specialized enterprises. Products from secondary raw materials are cheaper, no money is spent on mining, and elements of old equipment do not poison the environment.

Enterprises that engage in recycling benefit the environment without requiring huge financial outlays.

The disassembly process consists of separating the washing machine components, including metal, plastic parts, digital boards. The raw materials can be pressed and sent to a metal or plastic recycling facility.

The manufacturing facility includes:

  • parts shredding plants;
  • transportation belt;
  • magnetic elements to extract metal parts;
  • filters to protect against dust that may contain hazardous elements;
  • a ventilation system to reduce the emission of harmful substances;
  • automatic control panel.
How to dispose of a washing machine

Recycling includes the following steps:

Recycling programs play a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency of recycling processes worldwide, offering a streamlined approach for the eco-friendly disposal and recycling of appliances.

Washing machine disassembly

  • crushing of raw materials by means of special crushing plants;
  • the raw material arrives on a transport belt, metal and magnetized elements are separated using a separator, the remaining components are transported further;
  • plastic parts and elements that do not have magnetic properties are shredded;
  • large parts are sorted;
  • plastic elements, metallic non-ferrous metals, glass, rubber are separated.
How to dispose of a washing machine

Where the recyclables from the washing machine go

  1. Plastic goes to the production of household items – buckets, containers, plastic furniture, shelves, soap dishes, and building materials.
  2. Metal is sent to metal smelting plants for remelting.
  3. Rubber is recycled, shredded, and fine crumbs are obtained. Raw materials are used to produce new products, construction materials.
  4. Insulating materials are extracted, shredded, and used to produce similar products, reducing the release of polyvinyl chloride into the environment.

Where to dispose of an old washing machine (working one)

If you’re looking to dispose of an old appliance like a working washing machine that no longer meets your needs, there are several environmentally friendly options available. Selling a working machine. If your appliance is still in good shape, selling it can provide a bit of extra cash while ensuring it doesn’t contribute to landfill waste. By advertisement. An effective way to sell your old appliance is through online marketplaces such as Ebay, Amazon.

How to dispose of a washing machine

Such appliances can be a boon to individuals or families on a tight budget, including students, retirees, and large families, offering them a valuable resource at a fraction of the cost of buying new. By selling your working old appliance, you not only make a small profit but also perform a good deed by giving the appliance a second life, preventing environmental harm. For those in need, acquiring a used appliance can be a significant help when the budget doesn’t stretch to new items, with the cost of a working machine typically being 15-20% of a brand-new one.

Realize through a commission

If you are moving or need to get rid of old appliances, you can surrender a working washing machine to a commission store. The technique can be taken out of the living space, it will be waiting for its buyer already in the store. The previous owner receives remuneration immediately. Some commission stores can organize the delivery of the cargo to their warehouse, surrendering in this way is more profitable than sending for scrap metal.

How to dispose of a washing machine

Sell to a pawnshop

If the machine is in good condition, but obsolete, then you can sell it to a pawnshop. The previous owner receives money for the technique, and the machine is waiting for a new owner. It should be clarified that the pawnshop should be engaged in the realization of household appliances. The final price is formed by bargaining. The consumer offers a price for which he is ready to say goodbye to the technique. The appraiser agrees or asks to reduce the price.

How to easily sell an old washer

  • The machine must be in working condition.
  • Have a presentable appearance.
  • There should be accessories and hoses.
  • The washing machine should be regularly treated from scale, mold.
  • Before the sale, you can treat the surface with a steam cleaner, under the action of which all bacteria, viruses, and fungi die.
  • Photos for the announcement should be of decent quality.

When selling, you can not report false information; reliable data will cause trust and respect for the seller. The proceeds will be small; for their sake, it is not worth risking your reputation, in vain to pay transportation costs.

How to dispose of a washing machine

How to dispose of a washing machine

It is possible to contact specialized services, or masters, for the repair of large household appliances. The specialist goes to the place, records the main characteristics of the model: the firm of the manufacturer, year of manufacture, brand, and the cause of the breakdown. After preliminary inspection, the price is assigned, which should satisfy the seller and the buyer.

After the conclusion of the deal, the technique is removed for a fee. Thus, the machine is useful, there is no need for removal to a landfill and pollution of the environment. Additionally, for disposing of an old washer, considering the option of scheduling a pickup with a junk removal company or a professional junk removal service can offer convenience and ensure eco-friendly disposal practices.

Scrap old appliances

The simplest, but less profitable, way—scraping—involves taking the washing machine to a local scrap yard. The bulk of the broken machine is made of metal parts. If the machine is out of order, and the repair is very expensive, and does not justify itself, a scrap yard can be a valuable resource.

Some reception points transfer non-metallic elements for further processing. Utilizing a scrap yard not only allows for the recycling of metal parts but also offers the potential to earn money from the value of the metal or save on disposal costs. The remuneration will be calculated as the product of the cost of a kilogram of metal by the mass of the machine. You can also find out more information on the topic of how to dispose of a washing machine and dryer.

Sale for spare parts

Washing machine sell for spare partsIf the washing machine is broken, then you can ask the machine for spare parts. If you have the skills to work with household appliances, then you can disassemble expensive assemblies and spare parts yourself, sell through ads, and assign your own price.

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There are more ways to get rid of an old washer that doesn’t work

Order a paid disposal service

If the broken washing machine is more than 10 years old, it will not be accepted for spare parts, it will not be possible to sell it profitably. Appliance recycling companies can pick up the appliance and remove it for free, or you will have to pay extra for the service. Self-disposal is less profitable economically for the user, but in this case there will be no harm to nature, the conscience of the consumer will be clear.

Return it to the store

If a little time has passed since the purchase and the equipment is under warranty, then you can hand it over to the service center or, in the event of serious malfunction, return it to the store. The law on the protection of consumer rights provides for the possibility of exchanging defective appliances for a new product. In this case, the responsibility for the disposal of defective appliances is shared between the seller and the manufacturer.

How to dispose of a washing machine

Throw in the garbage (undesirable)

This is the least preferred option. The poisoning effect on the environment is maximized and the benefit to the owner is minimal. Violators are subject to fines for dumping large appliances in a landfill. This option should be eliminated from plans at an early stage.


There are many ways, where to detach the old washing machine-automatic machine, which broke down or became obsolete. Many of them carry an economic benefit, such as moral satisfaction, while causing no damage to the environment. The owner of household appliances should not throw large household appliances into the waste, for such actions, there is administrative responsibility.

Therefore, it is worth finding out whether there are old washer and dryer recycling programs in your city. Or take your old appliances to the local municipal waste center according to local regulations. You can also learn how to properly reload an Electrolux washing machine.

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